
Leadership Summit 2024

We’re excited and ready to welcome you to our annual SEIU Leadership Summit! We’re ready to join together to celebrate our victories, learn new tactics for leading our union, and elect pro-worker champions all across Colorado. Please see below for more information about the day, including venue information and our agenda for the day.

(This page will be updated with more details as the Summit gets closer!)


WHERE: Colorado Convention Center (700 14th St, Denver, CO 80202)

WHEN: Saturday, November 2nd, 2024, 9am – 3pm

Agenda for the Day

Check In & Settle


Opening & Welcoming Speeches 

10:00 AM – 10:30AM

Break-Outs Round 1

10:30 PM – 12PM

30 Minute Trainings


Noon  – 1:00 PM

Break-Outs Round 2

1:00 PM – 2:30 PM

30 Minute Trainings

Closing Out

2:30 PM – 3 PM

Venue Information

This year, we are proud to support our union janitors and convention center workers by holding our summit at the Colorado Convention Center. Using the map below as reference, you can enter through either side of the blue bear statue using the entrances on 14th Street. We recommend taking the RTD light rail and getting off at Theatre District – Convention Center Station.

If you’ll be driving to the Summit, parking is available for attendees in the Colorado Convention Center Parking Garage. Please use the entrance to the garage located on Speer Blvd. As you are pulling into the garage please check in with the SEIU staff member to hand you a parking pass.Once parked, we’ll have someone to direct you to the correct area inside the Convention Center.

Once in the venue, you’ll find our team ready to sign you in, get you your materials, and direct you to  our main summit area located in room 201.