
¡CONOZCA SUS DERECHOS! // Know Your Rights!

Te llamaron a la oficina y podría resultar en una forma de disciplina?

 Estos derechos se llaman “Los Derechos Weingarten”

1-  Tienes el derecho de ser representado por un Delegado o algún miembro de la Unión.

2-  Tienes el derecho de hablar en privado con el delegado o miembro antes y durante la reunión.

3.  Tienes el derecho de no responder a ninguna pregunta hasta ser representado

Llama lo antes posible a la línea de atencion al miembro 303 727 8066.

Have you been called to your worksite by your manager to a meeting that could result in a form of discipline?

These are the rights you have before going into that meeting, which are called your “Weingarten Rights”

These rights are called “The Weingarten Rights”

1- You have the right to be represented by a Steward or a member of the Union.

2- You have the right to speak privately with the delegate or member before and during the meeting.

3- You have the right not to answer any questions until you are represented

Call (303) 727-8066 Member Services as soon as possible