New SEIU 105 – 2014 Endorsement List
New SEIU 105 – 2014 Endorsement List Spanish

There’s a lot at stake in the upcoming election. It is critical that as working families we raise our voices through our vote to support candidates that won’t take our hard earned work place rights back a century. Only by voting can we make our voices heard.
Remember- you should have received your mail-in ballot already. If you haven’t, you can go to to update your registration or register to vote. And don’t forget to make sure that all of your friends vote. We can’t win this election unless we show up at the polls!

Right to Work
“Right to Work” is a misleading term that really means “Right to Work for Less”. It would effectively dismantle our ability to function and prohibit Unions from successfully advocating on behalf of their members. Right to work laws already exist in 24 states and Colorado could be next.
The Affordable Care Act has significantly increased access to healthcare for thousands of Colorado residents and added jobs to our economy helping to life us out of the great recession. However, Congress has voted more than 50 times to repeal it. Also, the state legislature is in charge of implementing provisions of the Affordable Care Act, Medicare and Medicaid. If we don’t vote and support candidates who belief in quality health care for all, we could see the repeal or minimization of many of the healthcare programs that Coloradans depend on.
Immigration reform and legislation such as the DREAM Act (that would give residency to immigrants who graduate from high school, complete two years in the military or complete two years at a university) will be discussed at both the state and Federal level over the next two years. If we don’t vote, millions of families will continue to be separated and forced to live in the shadows of our economy.
Minimum Wage
SEIU is partnering with other organizations in the “Fight for 15” to advocate for $15 per hour for fast food workers and other low wage workers. We also continue to advocate for an increase in the Federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. However, some candidates have voted against increasing the minimum wage. We need to elect people who understand that families can’t survive on the current Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. (Colorado’s minimum wage is $8 per hour.)
What can you do?
Vote! And make sure to vote for the candidates endorsed by SEIU Local 105. See top of this post for the endorsement list.