Our Mental Health Center of Denver (MHCD) bargaining team for our 2014 contract negotiations is working hard to ensure you are informed about the process and up to date on the negotiations.
Your bargaining team has been meeting regularly after work to plan our strategy for this year. The team has created a vision for our bargaining this year which we want to share.
This vision includes:
- Recovering wellness through work/life balance
- Enhancing our lives and minds with a fair living wage
- Building a strong foundation of unity through accountability and transparency
Your team includes:
Al Gonzales (Psychiatric Nurse)
Alex Pound (Residential Counselor)
Cassandra Garcia (Psych Only Care Coordinator )
Randy Quintana (Vocational Counselor)
Kristen Smith (Housing Resource Specialist)
Brandt Van Sickle (Clinical Case Manager)
Not Pictured:
Jeannie Bennett, Alternate (Clinical Case Manager)
Frank Mann (LPC)