Local 105 members working as Janitors at Denver’s municipal building Wellington Webb are celebrating another victory in their fight back campaign with their employer, city contractor NAPS (North American Property Services). Members working with 105 organizers have been waging the fight back campaign over a number of issues including alleged Social Security reporting problems, parking expenses and work load issues.
“NAPS city contract is clear: they must reimburse us for certain parking expenses and they haven’t been,” said Juanita Hessek, 105 Steward at the Webb building. “We pulled together and worked with organizers to bring our case to Denver government and demand the reimbursement. The money we were owed will make a difference for our families this summer.”

105 members received a long awaited reimbursement for parking expenses (part of the city government contract that NAPS wasn’t following). The grand total reimbursed in May was over $19,000 with several members receiving reimbursement checks up to $3,000.
Stay tuned for more action in the NAPS campaign!