ABM Janitors on Concourse B at Denver International Airport (DIA) are the newest members of our Union! Janitors voted overwhelmingly (over 80%) for an all-Union shop or workplace in mid-March during a two day election period. Over 90% of the entire workforce voted in the election which guarantees a strong united voice when the members begin negotiating their new Union contract.

“I am so proud of my co-workers and I for fighting for respect, dignity and a voice at the workplace,” said Celina Sanchez, one of the leaders of the all-Union campaign. “We worked as a team to ensure a Union victory. We are so glad to be joining the SEIU DIA family.”
The over 30 worker unit will begin contract bargaining soon and have already started participating in Union activities. Welcome to the SEIU team ABM Janitors! Si Se Puede!