By: Ron Ruggiero, President, SEIU Local 105
If you’re outraged by this GOP tax scam, you’re not alone. Republicans voted again in favor of a bill that gives tax breaks to corporations and the super wealthy at the expense of working families. The GOP tax scam was rushed, unpopular, and it barely passed both chambers of Congress. Late last Friday, Senators voted 51 to 49, with not a single Democrat voting yes, to pass a tax bill that experts and nonpartisan organizations agree will have devastating consequences for working families.

Now that the Senate and House have both passed versions of the bill, the two chambers must iron out differences in their legislation via a Conference Committee. There is also a chance the House may approve the Senate’s version. From there, President Trump will sign a bill that will stuff his pockets and those of other millionaires and billionaires. Not only that, but 13 million people will lose health insurance, seniors will see their premiums rise, and the national debt will spike, almost guaranteeing cuts to critical social services that are the foundation of our society. In Colorado, 235,000 people could lose health insurance each year because of thoughtless revisions to the Affordable Care Act.
The bill is based on the myth of trickle-down economics, a theory that has never benefited hard working Americans. It’s never created jobs, stimulated wage growth, or boosted our economy. It’s only worsened income inequality and left working people in the dust. It’s bad for America. Period.
SEIU members nationwide are standing up on multiple fronts to fight back against the Republican tax plan, attacks on immigrant families and communities of color, and repeated attempts to rip healthcare away from millions by gutting Medicaid. We have to hold Senator Cory Gardner, Representative Mike Coffman, and the other Republican lawmakers in Congress accountable for this affront to hardworking Coloradans. This is yet another example of why regular folks MUST vote in the upcoming 2018 elections. We need elected officials in office who will advocate on behalf of working people, not corporations and billionaires. We need to vote, and we need to vote for lawmakers who will put our priorities as workers first.
- Call Senator Cory Gardner to hold him accountable for his vote by dialing: 1-855-713-0060.
- Call Representative Coffman’s DC office and urge him to vote NO if the Senate bill comes up for a vote: 202-225-7882.
- Tell Representative Mike Tipton to vote NO by calling: 202-225-4761.
Thank you for all that you do on behalf of working people, especially in these troubling times. Let’s unite for a better future. We are stronger together.