United with over 8,000 members of SEIU Local 105 in Colorado, we have won historic victories for working families and security officers in our state!

The power we build together through our union grows every time we sit with management to negotiate better and stronger contracts for security officers.
That power at the bargaining table and in our community through our work with elected leaders has secured historic wins for working families across Colorado!
Here is a list of recent victories from our union:

While outside groups may try and divide us, our track record as a powerful union in Colorado is clear.

United we can continue buildling on these victories and create a Denver airport that puts the needs of the workers first.

Stay tuned for updates on bargaining dates, and stand ready to take action for a strong contract in 2021!

“We have to stick together. We don’t need this outside distraction. This group from outside the state is dragging us all down, making it harder for us to win a better contract for every HSS officer.”
– Coleen Bromley, HSS Security Officer, Denver International Airport