After a challenging and drawn-out round of negotiations this year, the leadership of Local 105 has finally finalized an agreement with management around the Performance Sharing Plan bonus, aka the PSP bonus.
The delay and frustration this year has stemmed from working to ensure that the PSP goals are issues that members of 105 can work on directly. Also, some of the management team were very slow with their responses to our informational request and counter-proposals, this has resulted in a late start, but the goals are finally here!!!
PSP Goals for 2021

* Vacation, PTO, ETO does not count, towards the attendance metric, everything else including FMLA counts towards absences!

If you would like to know more about the PSP, the language that governs it is in the 2019 National Agreement between KP and the Coalition of Kaiser Unions. Find the National contract aquí and look for the section on “Performance Sharing” on page 57 of the National Agreement (page 149 of the pdf).